Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Grace & Mercy

This past week I've been filled with "myself." I've seen more of my sin nature than I ever care to see again! Things that I've dealt with in the past and thought had put away, came rolling back in to torment me. As I have been cleaning up my heart through confession and repentance, today, I was reminded of REAL grace & REAL mercy.

Thank you God that I don't get what my sin deserves! Thank you that you allow me a chance to come to you - over and over as needed - to get cleaned up. To put back on the robe of righteousness. I don't deserve it in any way. Yet you so freely come to me as I walk back down the road - toward home - and you place the robe of righteousness back on me and place your ring back on my finger. THEN you celebrate my return. It's all so amazing to me.

I don't know that I can ever understand how people live this life without You. Jesus you overwhelm me with your love and goodness to me. Thank you for not letting me get to far down the road before I hear your voice calling for me to come home. Thank you that whenever I do come back to confess, you give me forgiveness. Thank you for GRACE & MERCY!