Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Life changes?

As my friends know our family business has had some rocky times these past 4-5 years. Well, I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do yet but I'm starting that process of "job hunting" and "life evaluation" ~ It's an uneasy time because the older I get the more I want to nest and stop moving around! Yet there is a sense of excitement that God is not done with me yet! So now, I'm asking God where can I best be used by Him to further the kingdom. He brought me "home" to be with family ~ is it now time to move away from home. I've loved owning a home, is it time to go back to renting a little place! What's my part in the story ~ what chapter are you writing Lord?

I KNOW I can't go on feelings - in fact in the past 2 weeks I've had totally different "feelings" about what I should be doing. So Faith and Obedience is again the request of me from the Lord. Well enough on this.

John has graduated - last night!!! He's excited about going to college on a b'ball scholarship but also nervous. I'd like to stick around town so I can go watch him play at every home game!!! So, that plays a part in my new chapter too....

Next week the 2 girls graduate!!! Life does keep changing!!! That's the only thing that's for sure!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

After the Fast

Well, today is the first day after a 40 day Fast that was called by our church Body. I have to admit it was good to eat some meat this a.m. and have a diet coke! But there are some things that I don't want to forget from this fast. We were fasting for the repentance of our nation. It was ended last night by a solemn assembly which was good! We spoke out the sins of our nation and asked God to forgive us, we worshipped and we had some quiet time of reflection.

One thing that God spoke over and over to me about our nation and specifically about me ~ is a our tendency to grumble over things we don't have. We are the richest people in the world materially and yet instead of being thankful that we have a car - unlike many in the world, we grumble because it's not a new car or a nice car. That instead of being truly thankful for our food we grumble because we fast from meat - when most people don't eat meat every day or even every week. It was very profound to be reminded just how RICH I really him. The mere fact that I'm typing on a computer, sitting at a desk, wearing different clothes each day, turning on a water facet to get water rather than walking to a well all speak of how wealthy I am and how wealthy others are. So, now, to live with that knowledge and to watch my attitude is the challenge I leave this fast with. What an amazing God we have that he would even desire to bless me! Thank you God for the blessing of living in a free country with many wonderful blessings!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Good Word

A good friend wrote me in an e-mail today and included the following:

Deut. 20:1-4

“When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come foreword and address the army. He shall say: “Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”

And then I found the following on Living Proof's web site with Beth Moore. It is awesome! I'm sure she wrote it:

Count it a joy, Dear One

When life gets hard.

God is doing something huge! He is also proving

That you are NOT a fake.

Be brave, Mighty Warrior.

Your God is with you!

When waves are crashing,

Stand to your feet,

Throw your head back

And feel the wind of the Spirit!

God is painting a masterpiece

With multi-colored trials.

Go forth and display

Divine special effects

To the great glory of God.


And so we are in a battle, we are in a war. A war for our hearts and minds. It's nice to have taken the week "off", so to speak, with no ministry for a few days just to rest and regroup. I've listened to worship music and just rested in the Lord's presence. I've spent time in the Word and that also has kept me going. Those who think life is always fun and is just one big party aren't dealing with real life. With the pain of others, with the sadness that comes from being here on this earth. Oh, don't get me wrong I love to laugh and have fun but life isn't always about that! Sometimes it is crying with those who cry and sitting with those who are in a huge disappointment. That's where Jesus was and that's where I want to be but it has been nice to take a break.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Running the Race

I was pondering yesterday the thought of running the race that Jesus has me in. I felt like I had let him down somehow, I'm weary and ready to stop. Then He came and said, I wasn't quitting I was at a water break point. What I needed was to have some time at the water break station. Here I drink deeply of the Living Water and then I'll be ready to run again. I just need to take a short break and if I try to run without the Living Water break, then yes, I will have to quit because I'm not taking care of myself in the race. So, for now, I'm seeing these next few days of "rest" as my Living Water break so that I can return to the race and finish the course! Thanks Lord for understanding that these mortal bodies are limited and that we just need to take a "water break" every so often so we can continue to run for you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I wonder what it looks like.....?

I was just pondering last night about what things look like in the spiritual realm. With books out like "This present darkness" which ponders the same thing I let my mind wonder to what would it look like. One crazy thought I had was do we who are followers of Jesus Christ look like torches in the darkness of this world. I could just see a room that is filled with darkness and those who dwell there and in walks a follower of Jesus - a torch - filling the room with light and causing the creatures of darkness to scatter - at least for a moment because of the blinding light. Then I wondered, what if you believe in Jesus but aren't living for him, what would that look like and I could see these little coals that are barely warm - giving out very little light and how the darkness didn't scatter from it. It moved away but not far.

Even if the creatures of the darkness scatter from a torch they still tend to put on some sort spiritual sunglasses to keep the light from hurting their eyes and come after the torch - trying to smother it with a blanket of shame, condemnation or judgement. Or pour water filled with bitterness, anger, hate or inconsistency on the torch. Yet if the torch will cry out to Jesus - He comes and removed the blanket or dispels the water. If the torch doesn't cry out - the flame may grow dim or have a portion put out.

Anyway, that was my pondering last night!