Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today, my sweet niece became a MRS. It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony with just the families there. My cousin came to take the pictures, which was a HUGE blessing! Then we had a little reception at my brother's house. I can't believe the little girl who came to stay with me one weekend in Franklin - many, many moons ago - and sang in the back seat as we drove to get dinner out - McDonald's of course - is now a married woman.

There are several weddings in the next month and they all have special meanings to me. This is the only time I wonder what it would have been like if I had married and had a child. Most of the time I am EXTREMELY content with my life but today, I wondered what it would have been like to be a parent giving my daughter in marriage. I have no regrets, just wonderment at the way life changes.

I can be so harsh on parents sometimes. I try not to be, because it's the hardest job in the world, but alas, I have found myself saying things that come out before I think. It is amazing to me that God gives the blessing of children and then how that blessing is expanded and grows through time as you become an in-law and grandparent. What a wonderful God to give so freely, knowing that the gift of a child will bring you great job even to your old age!

Today, with no regrets, just wonderment, I again am reminded that children are a blessing! And that while I will never know what it is to have a child, I do have the joy of participate in the joy of God's gift, even if only briefly. What a great day this has been ~ a day of remembrance ~ a day of rejoicing ~ a day of new beginnings. Thanks God for the joy of being an aunt.

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